Tag Archives: sweet place

Why you should read my blog

I read a lot I keep up to date with online stuff so that you don’t have to. The internet is a fast moving place, trends come and go, and it is difficult to know what to bother learning about. Our brains have other more important things to know about, why waste time investigating things… Continue Reading

Date originally posted (May have been updated)
But wait, there’s more!

But wait, there’s more!

Field Work. Sweet Place is one of the original New Zealand-based web development companies (originally nzwebs.com founded in 1999) which has rebranded in April 2017 to take into consideration and utilise the many new tools which are available for use with e-commerce, internet marketing and online networking, with the intention of really making our clients’… Continue Reading

Date originally posted (May have been updated)
Learning = saving money + more freedom

Learning = saving money + more freedom

I’ll take you there. When you design and maintain your own website you could be saving thousands of dollars. If you’ve approached web designers for a quote and found that it is beyond your budget, there is another option. With one-on-one tuition, it need not be expensive to make your entrance into the sweet place… Continue Reading

Date originally posted (May have been updated)
Research online to get ideas for your website

Research online to get ideas for your website

Keep Looking. In the ideas brainstorming tool, we have a question which invites you to provide results from any “Online Research” you may have done. Keep looking for inspiration from other sites to get clear on what you like about – this can be one of the most useful things you can do for your… Continue Reading

Date originally posted (May have been updated)