Making Plans1
The first step in creating anything is to come up with an idea, then make plans for the project so it can come into fruition. Call us so we can discuss your needs. If we are clear on your requirements and plans, then we can proceed towards a no-obligation web plan and quote.
The most beautiful creation always begins with a thought. So give time to these thoughts and come up with as many details as possible.
The idea itself can be ruminated on for some time, notes written down, even wireframes of where content will be on the pages. I love to create mindmaps to expand on my initial ideas.
Desired outcomes need to be considered, and of course end use should importantly be taken into consideration. If you are not sure of what is possible, two heads can be better than one. We have plenty of experience with this and may come up with alternatives or other possibilities you may not have considered.
So you can have the most effective web presence ever, we would consider your market, determining who you want to communicate with and what you want to tell them or sell to them and can involve consideration of such issues as your domain name where choosing an effective website address may or may not include your business name; feedback, inquiry forms or methods of contact which suit your customers’ needs best; careful planning of the content and layout of each web page for maximum impact; and ongoing internet marketing or networking to reach and/or engage with your people wherever they may be in the world.
The benefits of using an experienced web designer to discuss the planning stage with is that if you are unaware of things like limitations, other possibilities, design or online retail trends, programme availability etc, you could be selling yourself short as far as the wonderful site you could create and what you can do with it. We can also conduct keyword research which is likely to be an important factor in your site being found by searchers. This can also happen prior to proceeding with the build.
For example, I have wonderful ideas for my new garden, but unless I spend a small amount (my local garden centre charges $70 for an onsite hour-long consultation) to speak to an expert, I may not create something as amazing as I could.
We are happy to help you with your web planning, or you can use our popular brainstorming tool.
Once you have an idea of what you want your site to look like and what you want it to do, you (or we) can plan how to build it. The planning side can be done entirely by yourself, but the build needs to be handed over to a person who can create websites.
Of course, almost anyone can create a website in this day and age. There are plenty of places online where you can get free hosting and create something that would suffice. I think you could probably pay $5 at fiver to get someone in a far off land to build your site to your specifications. Or a relative may be able to do it. However, will they have the time to complete it? Will they be accountable?
I hear of people whose websites have been in development for months, years even. If you want to approach it as a DIY project (nothing wrong with that), either learn to do it yourself (and make yourself accountable) or if you think it is beyond you, just pay someone else to do it. We offer lessons for all aspects of web design at any level.
Find out more about focusing on the build, the next step in the process.
- XTC had a hit in the 80s, with Making Plans for Nigel, about parental domination.