With a little help from my friends. 1
Sweet Place is proud to be affiliated with the following online business leaders:
Hostgator is the leading provider of hosting in the world. Prices are affordable, security is world-class and service is exceptional. I recommend Hostgator for the important reasons above PLUS they often have great specials. Like this one:
Shopify is the ecommerce platform which I enjoy working with and I’m proud to be an official Shopify Expert there. It is widely recommended including by internet stars around the world such as Tim Ferriss, author of The 4-Hour Work Week.
AWeber is a premium email list platform at an affordable price. Coming soon: If you’re unsure about how an email list could ever help you, watch this tutorial on the many wonderful ways you can grown your business automatically.
Umbrellar, for New Zealand-based webhosting and domains, is a consolidation of New Zealand hosting providers offering these services securely. Their customer service is excellent and they may be one of the solutions to consider for your website.
More to come…
- With a little help from my friends was written by John Lennon and Paul McCartney, and intended as the album’s featured vocal for drummer Ringo Starr. “With a Little Help from My Friends” is from the Beatles 1967 album Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band.
Joe Cocker released his version two years later in 1969 on his debut album, which was met with a favourable review from Rolling Stone’s John Mendelsohn. Mendelsohn stated that “Cocker has assimilated the [Ray] Charles influence to the point where his feeling for what he is singing cannot really be questioned.” Watch it here.